“There is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in.”
Leonard Cohen

For many of us, therapy may seem to be a mysterious process, something that is "done to us" by a therapist. But the only real mystery about therapy is where it will lead us in our journey towards healing ourselves and our relationships. Therapy, whether individual or couple's, is a process of change that is based on the client's goals. At the core of this process is the therapeutic alliance between therapist and client.
Driven from the client's internal wisdom, therapy is the courage to explore problems that are occurring in the here and now, gain insight about where they came from, and develop strategies to make changes based on the client's desired outcomes.
Working together, client and therapist search out the possibilities that lay within the ability to live life to it's full potential. No mystery, just courage.

Please Call 678.354.6226 for available appointment times.
Mon: 9am - 6pm
Tue: 9am - 6pm
Wed: 9am - 5pm
Thu: 9am - 5pm
Fri: 9am - 1pm